A little over twenty years ago dental implants emerged onto the dental health care scene as an effective way to replace a single lost tooth. As implant technology and techniques have continued to advance they have come into play for a wide variety of other applications. They are now a very effective option for restoring the full function of your mouth, by anchoring a bridge or create anchor points for denture implants.
At the initial appointment your periodontist or oral surgeon will take some X-rays or a CT scan, to give them a clear picture of your bone structure. If you have lost bone material in this area, they might recommend you have a bone graft procedure in advance to make sure there is enough solid structure to anchor the implant.
In most cases the implant procedure is performed outpatient basis requiring deep sedation. This means you will need to have someone to drive you.
During the procedure, the oral surgeon makes a small incision in the gums, before creating a narrow channel in the bone. A titanium abutment is then screwed into the channel. Titanium is the metal of choice because it is biologically safe. In time it will bond with the bone structure in a process known as osseointegration to create a very strong anchor.
The surgeon will then cover the abutment with a strong plastic cap to protect the area while it heals. Once the abutment is fused to the bone, your dentist will fit you for a crown, bridge or denture anchors.
If you have questions about dental implants, please feel free to call us at 281-826-0025 to schedule an appointment.