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Baby bottle tooth decay is a common dental problem that babies face every day. If you want to prevent this issue for your child, our Houston Cosmetic & Family Dental Associates team is happy to help you! There are many things you can do on a regular basis to keep your child’s smile healthy and strong, and those things are:

· After your child eats, wipe their gums with a clean and wet washcloth. This will help remove the harmful particles and bacteria that threaten the smile. We also recommend that you do not share saliva with your baby by sharing feeding spoons or by licking the binky.
· Keep up on your child’s oral hygiene by brushing their teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Until your child is 3 years old, only use a rice-sized amount of toothpaste. Between the ages of 3 and 6, you can use a pea-sized amount of paste.
· If your child likes to brush on their own, please be there to supervise. Make sure they properly clean their entire smile and they also refrain from swallowing the paste.
· Only place milk, breast milk, and formula into the bottle rather than sugary drinks, like soda and juice.
· Make sure your child drinks all of the contents of their bottle before they lie down to go to sleep.
· Do not dip your child’s binky in sugar or honey.

Another great way of preventing this dental issue is by bringing your child in for their first dental cleaning and exam by the time their first tooth has grown into place. Dr. Kenneth Kirk will be happy to meet your child and examine their oral cavity for any signs of decay. Our team will also be happy to give you the oral hygiene tips you need to care for your child’s smile. All you need to do is call 281-826-0025 today!